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answers to common questions.
Commonly Asked Questions:
Getting Started - For Admins
Free Teacher Account FAQ
How do my students log in to their programs while at school?
How can I redeem my child’s code to activate an account at home?
General Troubleshooting Overview
How do I reset my password?
Questions by Role or Product
System Setup and Onboarding
Getting Started - For Admins
Back-to-School Overview
How do Admins activate their Age of Learning account?
What should I do if I didn’t get my Age of Learning account set-up email?
How do I invite teachers to activate their accounts?
How can I add another Administrator?
See all 11 articles
Roster Management
Getting Started with Rostering
Updating Rosters
How can I view a list of all students in a class?
Which rostering methods should I use?
What is the difference between archiving and deleting an account?
What do the different roster template field names mean?
How do I restore archived records?
How do I access a history of my past roster uploads?
Product Licensing
How can I check for students who are missing licenses or class assignments?
How do I see how many licenses I have to distribute or assign?
What is the difference between assigning and distributing a product license?
How do I assign licenses to students?
How do I distribute licenses to other Administrators and Teachers?
How do I see the licenses that have been distributed to lower levels of their organization?
See all 9 articles
Account Management
How do I know what I can and cannot do in the Educator Center?
How do Administrators reset their passwords?
How do I create Administrator accounts and assign new roles?
How do I change the email address I log in with?
How do I log into the Educator Center?
Can Administrators see the Educator Center in another language, such as Spanish?
Why can't I see any reports as an Admin?
How can I access School-level Growth Reports?
What are the three categories of program usage tracked on the Usage Dashboards?
How do Administrators monitor overall student growth on the Progress Dashboard?
How do Administrators access student usage data?
How do I use filters on my dashboards to access different views of our data?
See all 12 articles
Summer School
Creating Classes for Summer School with ClassLink
Creating Classes for Summer School with Clever
How to Manually Create Classes in the Educator Center for Summer School
Age of Learning Summer School Overview
Resources to Engage Families
What resources can Admins use to support at-home usage and family engagement?
New Features and Updates
What's New for July 2024
What’s New for June 2024
What’s New for May 2024
What’s New for April 2024
What's New for September 2023?
What’s New for August 2023?
See all 7 articles
Free Teacher Accounts
Free Teacher Account FAQ
Getting Started
How do my students log in to their programs while at school?
How to log in to the Educator Center with ClassLink
How to log in to the Educator Center with Clever
How do Teachers activate their Age of Learning account?
Getting Started - For Teachers
What should I do if I didn’t get my Age of Learning account set-up email?
See all 21 articles
Account Management
Roster Management
How do I know what I can and cannot do in the Educator Center as a Teacher?
Why are some students that I rostered not able to log in to the programs?
How do Teachers reset their passwords?
What should I do if I scan the wrong QR code badge on a student’s device?
How do I create and manage groups for my classroom?
How do my students and I log in using an Age of Learning QR code?
See all 9 articles
Product Licensing
How do Teachers assign licenses to students?
How do I check a student’s license status?
How can I access Growth Reports for my Class?
Student Usage Dashboards: Tips And Troubleshooting
Student Placement Reports: Tips and Troubleshooting
How do Teachers find student usage data?
How do I see Placement Test Reports for my students?
How do I download or print student data?
See all 16 articles
Getting Started
How can I redeem my child’s code to activate an account at home?
Getting Started - For Caregivers
How can we log in to your programs from home?
How can we log in to your programs from home with an Age of Learning QR code?
How can I track my child’s usage and progress?
Account Management
How do we reset our password to log in from home?
How can I add another child to our Age of Learning account?
How do I change my email address or other account details?
ELC of Hillsborough: Frequently Asked Questions
Caregiver Center
How to Tell if Your Child Has Completed a Daily 15-Minute Session
Why does it say on the Caregiver Center that I was assigned a new product license?
How can I log into your Caregiver Center and programs at home?
How do I monitor my child’s progress?
Product Guides
My Math Academy
Technical Support
My Math Academy and MTSS: Assisting Teachers, Supporting Students
My Math Academy Overview
My Math Academy: 3rd–5th Grade Overview
What are the minimum technical requirements to access My Math Academy?
How does My Math Academy pick which lessons to teach?
Are my students at the right level for My Math Academy?
See all 13 articles
My Reading Academy
Technical Support
How does My Reading Academy teach targeted skills?
My Reading Academy, MTSS, and the Science of Reading
Do you have any standards-based lesson plans for reading?
My Reading Academy Overview
My Reading Academy: 3rd–5th Grade Overview
What are the minimum technical requirements to access My Reading Academy?
See all 12 articles
My Reading Academy Español
Tech Support
My Reading Academy Español Overview
What are the learning objectives supported by My Reading Academy Español?
Are my students at the right level for My Reading Academy Español?
How can I track my child’s usage and progress for My Reading Academy Español?
Why does it say on the Caregiver Center that I was assigned a new product license?
What does the progress bar in My Reading Academy Español track?
Technical Support
ABCmouse Overview
What devices should I use with ABCmouse?
Technical Support
Educator Center: Tips and Troubleshooting
Contact Us
How do the Age of Learning products pick which lessons to teach?
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