Whether you need to update contact details such as an email address, change language settings, change grade level, changes classes, add or change a group, or fix a student’s name, our Educator Center will allow you to edit student information at any time.
- You roster automatically syncs once per day.
- If your roster is connected to a third-party SSO rostering tool, like Clever or ClassLink, please use that tool to update student information. Your roster will sync with the SSO tool and update automatically.
Edit Student Information
- Log in to your Educator Center account.
- Click Accounts at the top of your screen, then select Manage and Students from the drop-down menu.
- Click the name you want to edit.
- Add or change the information in the Student Info pop-up window: name, email, phone, IDs, language settings, birthday, grade, MTSS, etc.
- Scroll down and click the blue Save button.