Filters allow Admins to view usage and progress from the most macro level that includes their whole organization/district down to the student level, revealing insights into larger trends in addition to targeting specific student needs.
Once your organization has set up their data-sharing rules, you will be granted access to filter through using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). The optional MTSS filters available may include:
- English Language Learner (ELL)
- Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
- Title One
Note: Data-sharing rules will need to be set up through your rostering system. For additional details, you can look at one of the following articles for Clever and ClassLink:
Using Standard Filters on Your Dashboards
Note: This article shows the default filter process for our Usage Dashboards. If you are looking at Progress Dashboards, the data will be different, but the process of filtering the data for different levels of your organization is the same.
- Log in to the Educator Center.
- Click Dashboards at the top of your screen and select Usage.
My Math Academy data is shown by default. If you need data for My Reading Academy or My Reading Academy Español, click the program drop-down to switch to the one you need.
- Whether you are viewing data for This Week, By Week, or By Month, you will have two ways to drill down to get a more focused look any lower level of your organization that you choose:
- Click Filters in the top-left of the Dashboard.
- Click on a linked District, School, or Class name in the middle section of the Dashboard.
What level within your organization you see first depends on how you were rostered; All Admins typically have a higher level view by default and more levels to drill down than Teachers do, and top-level Admins have the highest-level view of the whole organization.
- When you click Filters, a panel will open on the left side of the screen and the main Dashboard will be grayed out. Click the top drop-down option you have and you’ll see what the next levels down are for you (often School names). Click the next level you want to view. If you wanted to look at data for, lets say, the PL Demo School in our demo screenshot, you would just click that name, let the dashboard reload, and then click back into the grayed-out area to view that new level.
- If you want to drill down more than one level, you’ll see other options (often Class names) below once you click the first level. Again, click back into the grayed-out area of the Dashboard to activate the new level.
- Once you click down into a Class using the Filters, you’ll be able to see individual student data, and you can adjust the timeframe for that, as well.
- When you want to go back up to the top-level view of your Dashboard, click Filters and then the Reset link.
- You can do the same deep dive into usage data that the Filters provide by clicking into the lower level organization links within the middle part of the dashboard.
- Even though you didn’t click on Filters to drill down this other way, you can open Filters and click the Reset to go back to your high-level overview, or click your browser’s Back button however many levels you drilled down.
- Log in to the Educator Center.