When you Archive a student, that account is simply moved from the Active section to the Archived section of the Educator Center (like putting it in storage).
Archiving is not the same as deleting the student, and you need to archive the student before they can be deleted.
Students who have been Archived no longer have current access to our programs, but access can be restored by An administrator. Once restored, they will resume their previous product history and redemption status.
Note that if your organization is rostered through a third party SSO like Clever or ClassLink, you may not be able to archive a student manually as described below. Reach out to your Admin in charge of rostering if you receive an error.
If you’re unsure if you should archive or delete the student, we suggest you review this article first:
- What is the difference between archiving and deleting an account?
- If the student is already archived, follow these steps to delete the student.
How to Archive Students
- Log in to your Educator Center account.
- Click Accounts at the top of your screen, then select Manage and Students from the drop-down.
- Click the name you want to edit.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Archive Student.
- Click the Archive button to confirm your action.
You will be able to see all archived students when the Archived Students tab is selected. As long as the student is archived you'll be able to restore the student at any time.
If you want to delete the student now that they are archived, you can follow these steps.
Administrators typically have more wide-ranging permissions to Archive than Teachers, and Teachers may not be able to delete a student on their own. If they do not have permissions to delete students, Teacher will not see any students listed under Archived Students on the Students page.