A few families served by the ELC of Hillsborough have reported that My Math Academy (MMA) is not loading on the Tablets they were instructed to use to access our programs.
Description: A few users have experienced that when they click on the Age of Learning icon on their Samsung Galaxy A9 Tablet and select My Math Academy, nothing happens. When they select My Reading Academy, the program opens properly. This appears to be an isolated issue affecting only a small number of users in this district using these particular devices.
Status: Our hardware provider, Stratix, has identified cause of this issue (the wrong URL was embedded in the My Math Academy device icon) and has a plan to resolve it for those affected in conjunction with our Customer Care team.
Actions: Our Customer Care team reached out to Stratix, and they remotely updated the URL for MMA on the caregivers' devices. We then reached out to these affected caregivers to walk them through a simple troubleshooting process of rebooting the Tablets, reconnecting to Wifi, and confirming that they can now access My Math Academy after the remote fix.
Recommendations: If you encounter this issue, you should first try to fully roboot your device (turn it off, wait 10-15 seconds, and turn it back on), make sure your device is fully connected to your Wi-Fi, and click the MMA icon to open the program.
If you are still unable to connect, submit a ticket here, letting us know you are from the ELC of Hillsborough and unable to access MMA. Make sure to provide the serial number for your Samsung Galaxy A9 Tablet, so it can be remotely reprogrammed.
The issue appears limited at this time, but if you’ve encountered similar problems or have more insights, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Remember: we will will need you to provide us with the serial number for your device so that we can send it to the hardware vendor managing all Hillsborough ELC devices so they can implement a remote fix.