In My Reading Academy, Miracle and her robot friend Nano, guide students as they interact with games, reading experiences, and videos that provide modeling, practice, and assessments of the essential components of reading.
My Reading Academy provides three different kinds of learning content in the program:
- Instructional videos: These videos provide clear instruction and modeling, showing, for example, how to use manipulatives, and connecting new ideas to previous content.
- Learning games: These engaging games provide structured, repeated practice and corrective feedback leading to accuracy and automaticity with phonemic awareness and phonics skills.
- Reading experiences: Students are offered targeted instruction in fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
My Reading Academy includes every element of complete reading instruction:
- Concepts of Print
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Sight Words
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Comprehension
Examples of Activities:
Letter Sound Correspondence
Letter Pattern
Word Families Builder
Word Breaker
Word Builder
Sentence Builder