Our Educator Center makes it quick and easy for Admins to add a new Class to their school’s roster. This article will walk you through that simple process.
- Log in to the Educator Center.
- Click Accounts at the top of your screen and then Manage from the drop-down menu.
- Click Classes.
- On the Active Classes page, click either one of the Create Classes links.
- On the Create Classes screen, enter a name for the new Class (required).
- Click the Select Teachers menu on the right side of the screen to assign a teacher who is already in the system to this new class. (If the teacher for the new class is not yet rostered in the Educator Center, he or she will need to be added separately.)
- If you just selected a new teacher for this class, you will now see that teacher listed under the Teachers heading on the left side of the screen.
- Click the Select Students menu on the right side of the screen to assign students who are already in the system to this new class. (If the students for the new class are not yet rostered in the Educator Center, they will need to be added separately.)
- If you just selected new students for this class, you will now see them listed under the Students heading on the lower left side of the screen.
- Click the blue Save button to finish the process of creating your new class. If you are going to add another class, click the checkbox next to Create Another before you click Save.
Note: If you need to add multiple classes, you may want to upload a new rostering spreadsheet that includes the new classes, teachers, and students. To learn how to do that, see How to Roster Students and Classes via Spreadsheet (CSV) Import.