Are you experiencing any of the following issues while using ABCmouse?
- Stuck on the Welcome screen
- Stuck on a white/blue screen
- A generic loading error
- Buffering issues
- Connection errors
- Freezing videos/games
- Poor video/game quality
If you are experiencing any of these issues, we're here to help! We recommend that you follow the troubleshooting steps below in the order they are listed.
After completing each step, try using the program you were having trouble with to see if your issue has been resolved. If these steps do not resolve your issues, please contact us. You can also view the known issues that we are currently working on to fix.
You can click on the links below for specific instructions on your device.
- Check compatibility: Make sure your device meets all minimum requirements.
- Check our System Status Website: We continually monitor our systems and promptly report whether they are fully operational or experiencing issues that could impact you
- Fully close the web browser: Start by fully exiting the website (and all other tabs or windows in the background), and then try opening the web browser again.
- Perform a power cycle: Turn off your device (and your modem and router, if applicable). Wait a few minutes, and then power back up.
- Check your connection: Run a speed test on your device and ensure it meets the minimum requirements.
- Check that you’re on the right network: Occasionally, classroom computers and devices may connect to a “Guest” network or other nearby network with lower bandwidth or other issues that would be resolved by switching back to your school/district’s approved network/wifi.
- Test other websites on your device: If you notice similar issues, it may be due to poor connectivity. Contact your internet service provider for more information on improving your connection.
- Check for browser updates: Make sure your device web browser has been updated.
- Clear cache and data: You can typically clear the cache/data via your device’s Settings menu. This step removes temporary files to help free up needed space.
- Reset your browser settings to default: Restoring default settings often improves browser performance and is a smart choice if you’ve tried our previous troubleshooting recommendations. You should, however, check in with your IT/technology department if you are not sure that it is allowed in your organization or if IT needs to make all changes. Here's the simple process for Chrome:
- In the top-right corner of the Chrome browser, click the 3-dot icon
- Select Settings from the bottom of the pop-up window.
- Click Reset Settings near the bottom of the left-side menu, then click Restore settings to their original defaults.
- Confirm you would like to reset your browser by clicking the Reset settings button.
Learn how to reset other browsers...
- In the top-right corner of the Chrome browser, click the 3-dot icon