Teachers will see Placement Test Reports links on their Progress Dashboard within 24 hours of students completing their placement activities and starting another activity from the program hub (reports will never be available on the same day as the test since the reports are generated at night).
Prior to the Report being available, you will see the student's current Placement Test Status: Not Started, In Progress, or Completed. Note: Pre-K students do take Placement Tests but do not get Placement Reports.
- Generating Placement Reports
- Placement Test Report Overview
- Video: Accessing Placement Test Reports
Generating Placement Test Reports
- Log in to your Educator Center account.
- Click Reports in the upper-right corner of your screen. Or, if you only want to see an individual student’s Placement Report, you can just click the See Report link for that student on your Progress Dashboard and skip to step 4.
- In the Reports Center pop-up, Placement Reports will be on the left side. Under (1) Select a Tier, use the drop-down(s) to select a School, Class, or Grade, depending on how you are set up. The final Tier drop-down will let you select an individual student or All Students. In section (2) Select a Report Type, use the drop-down to select Placement Report, and then click the blue View Report button.
- A new tab should open on your browser showing you a detailed Placement Report for the student(s) you selected. Below is what it looks like for a single student.
- If you want to print the report, click on your browser’s File menu and select Print (you must be connected to a printer).
Placement Test Report Overview
The reports include a lot of information, so we’ll break it down for you, section by section.
- The top section of the Placement Report gives you an overall snapshot of the student’s current grade readiness. Students who demonstrated they have completed over 90% of the prior grades' content are considered On Target for their current grade. On the following demo Placement Report, the student is considered Approaching grade readiness. The categories of grade readiness shown are based on the percentage of skills from the prior grade that the student has demonstrated mastery of (in this case 212 of 241 skills, or 88%).
- Needs Support: 0 - 50% mastery
- Developing: 51 - 75% mastery
- Approaching: 76 - 90% mastery
- On Target: 91 - 100% mastery
- The middle section includes Placement by Domain, which breaks down the skills demonstrated for both the Previous Grade(s) and Current Grade by their domains. That is followed by a Placement Summary, which shows the grade level placements for the student in the same subject domains.
Below you can see a report of skills mastered within Math Domains for a 1st grade student, followed by the grade level of his placement for each domain. In this case, the 1st grade student has placed in 1st grade for most domains, with one Kindergarten placement and two 2nd grade placements.
- The bottom section of the Placement Report is a look ahead, a "What's Next" for the student. Students receive personalized content based on their placement within each domain strand and subtopics. As a result of this customization, students may work on skills at varying grade levels.
Placement Status Explained
In the Placement Status column, on the right side of the Progress Dashboard, you may see up to four statuses listed. Here’s what they mean:
See Report: This link indicates the student has finished the Placement Test AND gone to the program hub where recommended lesson are presented to the student. Clicking the See Report link will take you directly to that student's Placement Report in a new browser tab.
- Completed: Student has completed the Placement Test but the Placement Report has not yet been generated (reports are next day, up to 24 hours).
- In Progress: Student is working on the Placement Test or has not yet returned to the program hub after the test.
- Not Started: Student has not started the Placement Test.
See Report: This link indicates the student has finished the Placement Test AND gone to the program hub where recommended lesson are presented to the student. Clicking the See Report link will take you directly to that student's Placement Report in a new browser tab.
If your students complete the Placement Test and move on to the program hub where they receive their activity choices, the Placement Report link should be available within 24 hours.
If you have additional questions or issues with Placement Reports, we recommend this guide: Student Placement Reports: Tips and Troubleshooting.