Need to reassign a student to a different class? Don't worry—we have an easy solution for you. Simply follow the steps below to transfer a student from one class to another.
Transfer Students to a New Class
- Log in to your Educator Center account.
- Click Accounts at the top of your screen, the select Manage and Students from the drop-down menu.
- Click the name you want to edit.
- Scroll to the Classes section on the Student Info pop-up, and click the X next to the class from which you’d like to remove the student.
- Click the +Assign to an additional school link to add them to another class.
- You will see one or more drop-down menus. If show, first choose the district under Select District, then a school under Select School. Afterwards. The final drop-down will be for you to Select Class.
Scroll down and click Save when you are finished.